what kind of appointment types are best suited for phone appointments?
Blood pressure visits: Just make sure that you have your home blood pressure monitor close by and all of your readings. Want to get some extra tips about your blood pressure visits? Click here to read more.
Reviewing results: A lot of tests can be reviewed over the phone. We will also be able to provide copies of your results to you.
Medication reviews and renewals: A lot of medications can be reviewed and renewed through a phone call. However, certain visits do require an in person visit. Your physician will let you know if a what type of appointment is appropriate for you.
Diabetic visits: Diabetic visits need to be done in person once a year to ensure certain things check out fine. However, if your physician is comfortable with seeing your blood sugar and blood pressure readings remotely, then a phone appointment might be all that is required. Want to get some extra tips about your diabetic check up visits? Click here to read more.
House calls: Some appointments for patients who have problems getting to the office for mobility or transportation issues can be managed with a phone appointment as well.